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  • 魏巍




  • 最终学位:博士




魏巍,博士,教授,博士生导师。2002年毕业于山西大学物理电子工程学院电子学与信息系统专业,获工学学士学位。2012年毕业于山西大学计算智能与中文信息处理教育部重点实验室计算机应用技术专业,获工学博士学位。近年来作为主要研究人员参与国家863计划项目1项、国家自然科学基金项目3项以及多项省部级科研项目,在《Information Sciences》、《International Journal of General Systems》、《系统工程理论与实践》等国内外学术期刊和重要国际学术会议发表论文15篇,其中SCI收录4篇,EI收录8篇。  

    1. 1.国家自然科学基金(No.41101440): 基于粗糙集的空间分析新模型及其应用研究, 2012.01-2014.12, (参与);

      2.国家自然科学基金(No.60970014): 面向混合数据的粒度计算理论与方法研究, 2010.01-2012.12, (参与);

      3.国家自然科学基金(No.70971080): 面向复杂数据的粗糙集多属性/多准则决策分析研究, 2010.01-2012.12, (参与);

      4.国家自然科学基金(No.60773133): 复杂信息系统的粒度结构与知识获取研究, 2008.01-2010.12, (参与);

      5.高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(No.20101401110002): 基于粒计算的符号数据分析方法研究, 2011.01-2013.12, (参与);

      6.高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(No.200801081017): 面向超立方体的交叉数算法及应用研究, 2009.01-2011.12, (参与);

      7.山西省自然科学基金(No.2008011038): 面向信息系统的粒度计算理论与方法研究, 2008.01-2010.12, (参与);

      8.山西省青年科技基金(No.2010021016-2): 面向符号属性数据的聚类算法研究, 2010.01-2012.12, (参与);

      9.山西省青年科技基金(No.2009021017-1): 决策信息系统中的粒度分析理论与算法研究, 2009.01-2011.12, (参与);

      10.山西省回国留学人员科研项目(No.201008): 信息系统中知识获取的粒度分析理论与方法研究, 2010.01-2012.12, (参与) 。


    [1]Wei Wei,Xiaoying Wu,Jiye Liang,Junbiao Cui,Yijun Sun. Discernibility matrix based incremental attribute reduction for dynamic data, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 140:142-157.点击阅览

    [2]Wei Wei,Junbiao Cui,Jiye Liang,Junhong Wang. Fuzzy rough approximations for set-valued data, Information Sciences, 2016, 360:181–201.点击阅览

    [3]Wei Wei,Junhong Wang,Jiye Liang,Xin Mi,Chuangyin Dang. Compacted decision tables based attribute reduction, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015, 86:261-277.点击阅览

    [4]Wei Wei,Jiye Liang,Junhong Wang,Yuhua Qian. Decision-relative discernibility matrixes in the sense of entropies, International Journal of General Systems, 2013, 42(7):721-738.点击阅览

    [5]Wei Wei,Jiye Liang,Yuhua Qian,Chuangyin Dang. Can fuzzy entropies be effective measures for evaluating the roughness of a rough set, Information Sciences, 2013, 232:143-166.点击阅览

    [6]Jiye Liang,Junrong Mi,Wei Wei,Feng Wang. An accelerator for attribute reduction based on perspective of objects and attributes, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2013, 44:90–100.点击阅览

    [7]Wei Wei,Jiye Liang,Yuhua Qian. A comparative study of rough sets for hybrid data, Information Sciences, 2012, 190(5):1-16.点击阅览

    [8]Yuhua Qian,Jiye Liang,Wei Wei. Consistency-preserving attribute reduction in fuzzy rough set framework, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2012, 2012:45-53.点击阅览

    [9]Yuhua Qian,Jiye Liang,Peng Song,Chuangyin Dang,Wei Wei. Evaluation of the decision performance of the decision rule set from an ordered decision table, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012, 36:39–50.点击阅览

    [10]Wei Wei,Jiye Liang,Yuhua Qian,Feng Wang,Chuangyin Dang. Comparative study of decision performance of decision tables induced by attribute reductions, International Journal of General Systems, 2010, 39(8):813-838.点击阅览

    [11]Hongxing Chen,Yuhua Qian,Jiye Liang,Wei Wei. On partial order relations in granular computing, GRC, 2010, 2010:102-106.

    [12]Yuhua Qian,Jiye Liang,Wei Wei. A new method for measuring the uncertainty in incomplete information systems, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2009, 17(6):855-880.点击阅览[13]Hongxing Chen,Yuhua Qian,Jiye Liang,Wei Wei,Feng Wang. A time-reduction stratejy to feature selection in rough set theory,, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009, 2009:111-119.

    [14]梁吉业,魏巍,钱宇华. 一种基于条件熵的增量核求解方法, 系统工程理论与实践, 2008, 4:81-89. 点击阅览